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Crafting Media Professionals for a Political Landscape

Admin | Feb 6 2024
Crafting Media Professionals for a Political Landscape

Role in Democracy

The mass media plays a vital role in sustaining democratic processes. It acts as a watchdog by scrutinizing government actions, exposing corruption, and holding political leaders accountable. The dissemination of information allows citizens to make informed decisions, contributing to the functioning of a healthy democracy. Lexicon IMA, by preparing students for roles in media, contributes to the democratic process by fostering responsible journalism and media practices.


Some ways in which media influences the masses is through: 


·       Public Opinion and Perception

The mass media serves as a primary source of information for the general public. News coverage, analyses, and editorials contribute to forming public opinion on political matters. The tone, framing, and language used by media outlets can sway public perceptions of political figures, parties, and policies, ultimately influencing electoral outcomes.


·       Agenda Setting and Framing

Mass media can set the agenda and frame political issues, determining which topics receive more attention than others. By highlighting specific issues, media outlets influence public discourse and shape the narrative around political events. This agenda-setting function can significantly impact public opinion and the perceived importance of various political issues.


·       Political Campaigns and Advertising

Political campaigns leverage mass media extensively to reach a broad audience. Television ads, radio spots, and online campaigns are powerful tools for political communication. The visual and auditory impact of media campaigns can shape the public's understanding of candidates and their policy positions. Moreover, media coverage of political events and debates becomes a crucial factor in the success or failure of campaigns.


·       Social Media and Digital Platforms

The rise of social media has transformed the dynamics of political communication. Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram provide a space for real-time interactions between politicians and the public. However, these platforms also raise concerns about the spread of misinformation and the potential for the creation of echo chambers, where individuals are only exposed to information that aligns with their existing beliefs.


Challenges and Ethical Considerations

Despite its positive contributions, the mass media's influence on politics raises ethical considerations. Issues such as media bias, sensationalism, and the prioritization of entertainment over substantive news pose challenges to the integrity of political information dissemination. Lexicon IMA addresses these challenges by instilling ethical values in its students and promoting responsible journalism.


Media Literacy and Informed Citizenship

Enhancing media literacy is crucial for fostering an informed citizenry. Educating the public on critically analyzing media content, identifying biases, and fact-checking information helps mitigate the potential negative effects of media influence on political discourse. Lexicon IMA's emphasis on industry-relevant education aligns to produce media professionals who contribute to informed citizenship.

As we navigate the complex relationship between media and politics, fostering media literacy and ethical journalism practices becomes essential for maintaining the integrity of political discourse and ensuring an informed and engaged citizenry.


Lexicon Institute of Media & Animation, with its commitment to excellence, plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of media professionals and contributing to the responsible influence of media on politics. Lexicon IMA's role in educating media professionals contributes to responsible journalism, influencing how political topics are presented to the public through a balanced and informed approach to political reporting.